Minecraft Music Wiki

Search the World Surface is a parody of Encanto's "Surface Pressure" sung by Twi Shorts.


Minecraft, but I sing, sing, sing and must never stop!


Time to get a tool, tool, tool that'll help me chop!


Time to find a diamond, the ore that is blue!

Leave me alone, Bruno, I can't discuss you.

Who am I if I can't find a diamond?

Time to go and search the world surface

For a big cave that drops down

Hey, that desert village is looking quite sus.

Search the world surface

That ship could have maps to help find where a diamond is

Search the world surface, think of the challenge purpose.

Can I still somehow win this?

I sense the end is near, the diamond's here.

I better go get to mining so the chest can appear.

But wait...

Wait, wha- Beesechurger? What are you doing here?

What the- Twi Shorts? What are you doing-

Wait a minute, did I just stop singing Bruh Moment?

Did I just stop singing Surface Pressure?



